Succulents are showy, hardy plants with a well-earned reputation for being easy to grow. Thick, fleshy leaves that often grow in symmetrical patterns are the hallmark of succulents and make these plants incredibly easy to style. Succulents are known for being easy to grow but still require some care to thrive and look their best. Here is what you need to know about care, propagation, and styling for succulents.
Succulent Care
The defining aspect of succulents is that they are drought-tolerant plants, and while succulents can be found across different families, succulent care is generally consistent. Plenty of sunlight, not much water, and warm temperatures are the basics of caring for succulents.
At least 6 hours in or close to a sunny window is best for most succulents. These plants need bright, indirect sunlight. Some succulents can receive limited direct sunlight, but too much can burn the leaves, so play it safe and stick to indirect sunlight. Some plants are more adaptable than others, so while a ZZ Plant can live in low, medium, or bright sunlight, the String of Pearls, like most succulents, can only live in bright sunlight.
Water succulents when the potting mix is dry. Succulents store water in their leaves or thick, tuber-like roots, and you must wait until the plant has used up its stored water before giving it more water. Always select a container with drainage holes, but consider using terracotta or unglazed ceramic pots. The porous material allows moisture to escape and the soil to completely dry. Most homes are warm enough for succulents to thrive, but keep the plants away from drafts, heating, or air conditioning vents.
Propagating Succulents
Propagating is the process of creating new plants, and propagating succulents is very easy. Create new succulent plants from stem or leaf cuttings taken from existing plants. Allow the cut end to dry out or callous over, and place the cutting in or on top of a well-drained potting mix. The cutting will set roots, and a new, tiny plant will grow.
Succulent Styling Tips
Mix and match different succulents in one container to introduce a variety of colors and textures while maintaining a low-maintenance planting. Succulents with identical care needs can be planted in the same container, or you can place several plants in nursery pots in a large cover pot or basket to give the appearance of being in the same container. A tall sansevieria planted alongside a low-growing echeveria and trailing burro's tail creates a dynamic-looking planting. Featuring several plants in the same container or placed nearby is stunning and lends the space a lush and trendy vibe. To make a minimalist statement, feature an individual aloe plant on a sunny window sill or a vining hoya in a hanger.
Succulent Care Guide
Owning a succulent isn't a significant time commitment, making these plants excellent for first-time or busy plant owners. You can enjoy the lush, vibrant greenery without much work or dedication. These plants need a balance of bright, indirect sunlight, limited water, and warm temperatures to grow and thrive. A properly cared for succulent will grow large, adding instant style to a space, and you can easily propagate a healthy plant to be the proud owner of even more succulents.